Tummy Tuck

General Information About

Deformities and sagging in the abdominal region after birth and weight changes are corrected by fat suction and/or tummy tuck surgery. Since the body posture and dynamics of the patient are improved due to the shaping made on the anterior abdominal wall, back and low back pain, if any, may be reduced. For this reason, tummy tuck surgery is functional as well as aesthetically beneficial.

To whom is it done?

Those who have deformities in the abdomen that cannot be removed by traditional methods (slimming, cold lipolysis, fat suction, etc.).

How is the surgery done?

Under general anesthesia, excess skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue is removed, the loosened abdominal wall is tightened and the navel is moved to its new location. The duration of the operation is 2-3 hours. Drains are removed after 4-5 days. The patient uses an abdominal corset for 1 month.

Will the location of my belly button change?

The sagging and deformed belly button is shaped and moved to its original place.

Will there be any traces?

Yeah. In those with cesarean section scars, this scar is in the form of a line extending along the bikini line, with a slight extension to both sides. Sometimes there may be a short scar that cuts this line perpendicular to the midline.

What are the complications?

In addition to undesirable situations that may arise for any surgery, smokers may have wound healing problems.


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To whom should it be done?

Those who have deformities in the abdominal region that cannot be removed by conservative methods (slimming, cavitation, fat absorption, etc.)

How is the surgery done?

Under general anesthesia, excess tissue is removed, the loosened abdominal wall is tightened and the belly button is moved to its new location. The duration of the operation is 2-3 hours. Drains are removed after 4-5 days. The patient uses an abdominal corset for 1 month. Since the body posture and dynamics of the patient are improved due to the shaping made on the anterior abdominal wall, back and low back pain, if any, may be reduced. For this reason, tummy tuck surgery is functional as well as aesthetically beneficial.

Will the location of my belly button change?

The sagging and deformed belly button is shaped and moved to its original place.

Will there be any traces?

Yeah. In those with cesarean section scars, this scar is in the form of a line extending along the bikini line, with a slight extension to both sides. Sometimes there may be a short scar that cuts this line perpendicular to the midline.

What are the risks?

In addition to undesirable situations that may arise for any surgery, smokers may have wound healing problems.